Signing Events 2019!

Here are all of the events I have confirmed that I will be at in 2019. This list will periodically update, but I'll try to post new individual events on this blog as well as other social media accounts. Clear your calendars and check these events out!
Date: Friday, January 11 and Saturday January 12, 2019
Location: National Guard Armory, 3300 E Division St, Evansville, Indiana 47715
This is a smaller event as far as I know, but it has the honor to be my first event of 2019! That has to count for something.

Holiday Inn Evansville Airport 7101 US 41 Evansville, IN 47725
This event is one I've wanted to attend for literal years. I went as a guest in 2012 trying to haphazardly promote the Kickstarter to fund the first version of The BulletProof Ghost Comic Book, but I didn't have a table or anything like that, I just talked to people... and I sucked at it. Things have changed. I have a table and I will be selling books, shirts and all of my normal merch. I might even be taking preorders on the BPG comic or selling prints of the art or framed covers.

KWC FilmFest 2019
Location: Kentucky Wesleyan College
3000 Frederica St, Owensboro, Kentucky 42301
April 6, 2019
12pm - 6pm
I'll be attending this event as member of the Midwest Writers Guild EVV. I'll be here during the time above, the rest of the of the Guild will be there from 10am until 8pm. I'll be signing books and selling merch as per normal, but I'll have another writer at my side... some of the time.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
5pm - 7pm
Location: 105 N Wallace Street, Dale, Indiana
This is a smaller event at Lincoln Heritage Public Library. That doesn't mean I'm not bringing all of the books and merch that I normally lug along. I'll also be doing a reading, but at the moment I haven't decided what I'll be reading from. I guess it'll be a surprise for everyone.
Owensboro, Kentucky
701 Henley Street Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
I had a decent time last year here, despite it being the longest drive of all of my cons. In this case it takes place during the summer shutdown of my job-job, so it works out great for me!
Franklin Street Bazaar
August 17, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
This Event is on Franklin Street, Evansville Indiana outside in the heeeeeeeat! This is a Guild appearance, so I'm there as an author and the VP of the Midwest Writers Guild EVV.
Date: August 30 - September 1, 2019
Indianapolis Convention Center (Hall F) 100 S. Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, IN 4622
This is the biggest con that I've ever attended. I'm really excited about this one. I hope to meet all of the great nerd community in Indy and tell them about my books and my vision!
Location: Victory Theater, Evansville, Indiana
September 14 - 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
This is the first time I've attended this event. Another official Guild event, but that doesn't mean it won't be fun AF! Come of the films, stay for them books. See you there.
Date: November 22 -24
This Con went really well for my last year. Made a few friends and talked to a ton of people. Really look forward to returning!