Layout Pages 4, 5, 6 and 10 for BPG Comic Book
The comic book version of The BulletProof Ghost is coming along at a decent pace. Though I still need another 13 pages funded, the first seven should be done within a month or so. The newest page layouts from chronicle Kyle's trials against a Synthetic Prototype and the mysterious Four. This also marks the first time that William Kintaxin has been fully illustrated as well as Four's first appearance in a comic book format.

The image below skips ahead to page ten so I can give fans a fully realized look at Four and his design, beyond the description in the novel series. At least as far as his fully armored self is concerned.

The more detailed versions as well as the fully colored and lettered versions will come in the semi-near future as I keep working with Octographics and their talented artists. If you want to help fund the other 13 pages, there are a few options.
1. Paypal Donation: send a money donation straight to on Paypal. Easy and you get your name/username in the comic in the special thanks section.
2. Patreon: The link above will take you to my Patreon, which contains exclusive rough drafts, story outlines and sneak previews of upcoming art from the comic. The paywall is only $1 a month, so it is extremely affordable. The link is at the top of the page.
3. Get the Novels for Free or Paid: Now this is a little bit of a misnomer. If you have Amazon Prime, use the Books link at the top of the page. On that page there are Amazon links to all 4 of the books available for purchase. Simply 'buy' the Kindle version and you get a free book(s) and I get a cut of the Amazon Prime fees.
If you don't have Prime, then the two short stories are $.99 each and the novels are $3 a pop on Kindle or $10 plus shipping for the hard copy.
Thanks again for the support. We are almost halfway there. I know we can get this thing funded before the end of the year.
-Jake dh