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Issue #1 of The BulletProof Ghost Comic Book is for Sale!

After a long wait, longer than I expected to be sure, the first issue of The BulletProof Ghost is available for purchase for everyone on the planet! If shipping is an issue, then you can scoop up a digital copy for $3. The physical copy is $5. As it stands, the only way to get a signed copy is to find me in person or having pledged to the Indiegogo campaign. On that note, I'm sending out the final physical rewards to my backers today. Sorry for the wait, some of that were circumstances outside of my control, including my father being in the hospital and my job-job maxing out our overtime.

That being said, the final steps of putting this piece of story telling that I've worked on for more than a decade is finished. I hope to have news about another Indiegogo before the end of the year. Thank you to everyone who pledged, follow me on social media and read my work. It means everything to me.

A couple of updates outside of the comic book release: The only confirmed signing event for the rest of the year is RaptorCon in Evansville, IN on December 9 & 10. I'll be there both days, all day, signing books, comics and selling some merch here and there. I look forward to going to a larger con, being that I've only attended smaller event as of late.

I'm putting the final touches on a new Horror/Fantasy Anthology with the tentative title of Dark, Light, Past and Other Assorted Chaos. I don't technically stick to just horror in this collection, but there is more than enough of it to go around. The next Chapter of Dreadful, Scarlet Sheets, is finished and will be included in DLPast; as well as going to be featured in the next Midwest Writers Guild Literary Journal.

I'll be registering for new upcoming signing events and conventions for 2024. I'll update those here as soon as I can. I'm hoping to register for EvilleCon in time, being that was one of my top events of all time. I'm going to try and branch out into new areas of the country, but that can get really expensive really quick. Being that I'm still an indie writer and not a New York Times bestseller, I have to choose these far away trips carefully. If you want me to visit a con near you, comment on this post, email me, dm me, whatever. I'm always open to going to new places.

I'm also going to finish my fantasy novel, Deathless: Cylinder of Sickness, this year, hopefully. Then, if everything goes to plan, I should have a new BulletProof Ghost novel out next year, maybe. It will probably be a prequel, but still technically in the BPG universe, but don't expect too much of Kyle Richard in Biodise Lost.

I hope all you enjoy my current and upcoming work. Later.


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